MPS II Medical Tutorial

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Dear Colleagues,


on behalf of the faculty and the Medical Simulation Center Salzburg, I am pleased to welcome you to this MPS II Medical Tutorial, crafted under the guidance of a distinguished panel of global experts in this disease.


This 2-day event has been designed as an immersive experience, featuring interactive sessions that foster collaborative learning. Throughout the Medical Tutorial, we will deep dive into latest scientific knowledge on clinical management of MPS II, and engage in clinical case discussions, offering valuable practical insights for your daily practice.


This program also includes hands-on medical simulations, providing a unique experiential learning

opportunity to enrich your expertise in managing MPS II patients in interdisciplinary and interprofessional teams.


Please note that there is a limited number of seats available for this Medical Tutorial. If you are keen on participating, reach out to our dedicated logistics team at for registration assistance.


Once again, welcome to Salzburg and to this MPS II Medical Tutorial.


With best wishes,



Forsch.Prof. Dr. med. Florian B. Lagler


Chair of the Institute of Inherited Metabolic Diseases of the Paracelsus Medical University

CEO Clinical Research Center Salzburg GmbH / Medical Simulation Center Salzburg; Salzburg, Austria